
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Will Danes be ordering Danish pastries in English one day?

Some Danes are concerned that the increasing use of English within their country could threaten the future of the Danish language. Many Danish academic institutions are now teaching classes in English, leading some to fear that Danish will be left in the dust, according to this article at DW-World.


jrhickman said...

Have you ever seen the TV show Firefly? Its pretty cool, they speak in English but cuss in Mandarin... I think it makes cussing classy, sophisticated even. Maybe eventually the Danes wil speak Danish and cuss in English. Kinda scary.

Yoksafiff said...

Trivia: In some middle eastern countries they've begun to call Danishes 'Flowers of the Profit Muhammad' (á la 'Freedom Fries') since the Danish cartooning controversy. And, I gotta say, Flowers of the Profit Muhammad is pretty cool.

Unknown said...

I have not seen the TV show Firefly, but I will certainly make sure to check that out when I am in the mood to hear some cursing in Mandarin. Usually that mood strikes me every month or so, so things are looking good for May!

Hey JR, guess what I did tonight? I lit all those candles at the same time, and you know what I thought to myself? I thought, NOPE, I still like doing things my way. But hey, don't say I never tried your crazy shortcuts!!

You know what else happened? As I was carrying the tray around, filled with flaming hazards, one of the guests stopped me because he thought I was carrying fire shots and he wanted to buy one. No joke. FIRE SHOTS!!! Are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure something highly dangerous almost occured. So the moral? Shortcuts= potential guests on fire/hot oil burns to the eyeball. Inefficient lighting of the candles=good!!

Unknown said...

Peter!! Comme ca va? I was following the cartoon controversy and the pastry name change- very interesting indeed!
Read about Arla's losses after the dairy industry boycott, it's pretty fascinating stuff.

Unknown said...

Just so you know in Poland we call Danish "drozdzowka", not that anybody cares here, but I love my drozdzowka in the morning with my kawa.